These blocks make use of LTspice's builtin mathematical functions, plus a few others. The appearance of the symbols was made with the thought of uniformity and usability, which makes possible changing the function of the symbol on the fly, while still preserving the general distinct appearance. Some functions may seem unneeded duplicates, such as b-a, or b/a, but the purpose is the ability to keep the functionality without forcing the user to re-wire (this is mostly related to testing, where, too often, it becomes cumbersome).

For example, placing the Math1 symbol with its default abs value means the symbol will perform the abs() function; placing the Math2r symbol with x means multiplication. Both of these are easily recognizable in the schematic, and easily changed by either renaming or by right-clicking the symbol and selecting the desired entry from the drop-down menu. For example switching from sin() to cos() means renaming sin to cos (49.2kB webm); if b/a is needed instead of a/b, it can be achieved by simply renaming / to \ (63.7kB webm).

The models are divided in three: mathfunc1.sub, holding the one-input/variable functions (e.g. sin(x), x being the input), mathfunc2.sub, holding the two-inputs/variables functions (e.g. atan2(x,y), with x and y being the inputs), and mathfunc.sub, holding the oddball 5-input summer.

Sometimes, in addition to the usual input(s) as variable(s), there are some other parameters that can be defined, e.g. the atan2 block has the additional parameters a, b, and dc. All the blocks have floating input and output resistance, unless otherwise noted.

And, finally, in many cases the names of the functions are blatantly obvious and should not need explanations, yet the tables below display them. This has nothing to do with treating the reader as stupid, and all to do with consistency. There are no stand-alone examples here, but some usage can be seen in the examples section.

Quick menu:

Subcircuits in mathfunc1.sub:

Function Subcircuit name Output Parameters used
1/x " " 1/V(in) lim, fmax
abs() " " abs(V(in)) lim, Cout
acos() " " acos(V(in) + phi) phi, tripdv, tripdt
acosh() " " acosh(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
asin() " " asin(V(in) + phi) phi, tripdv, tripdt
asinh() " " asinh(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
atan() " " atan(V(in) + phi) phi, tripdv, tripdt
atanh() " " atanh(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
ceil() " " ceil(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
cos() " " cos(V(in) + phi) phi, tripdv, tripdt
cosh() " " cosh(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
exp() " " exp(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
floor() " " floor(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
int() " " int(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
ln() " " loge(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
log() " " loge(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
log10() " " log10(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
mod1() " " mod(V(in), y) y, tripdv, tripdt
pow() " " pow(V(in), y) y, tripdv, tripdt
pwr() " " pwr(V(in), y) y, tripdv, tripdt
pwrs() " " pwrs(V(in), y) y, tripdv, tripdt
quant() " " int(V(in)*y)/y y, tripdv, tripdt
round() " " round(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
sgn() " " sgn(V(in) + y) y, tripdv, tripdt
sin() " " sin(V(in) + phi) phi, tripdv, tripdt
sinh() " " sinh(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
sqrt() " " V(in) lim, fmax
tan() " " tan(V(in) + phi) phi, tripdv, tripdt
tanh() " " tanh(V(in)) tripdv, tripdt
u() " " if(V(in)+y>0, 1, 0) y, Cout, tripdv, tripdt
uramp() " " if(V(in)+y>0, V(in)+y, 0) y, Cout, lim


Subcircuits in mathfunc2.sub:

Function Subcircuit name Output Parameters used
a+b + V(a) + V(b)
a-b - V(a) - V(b)
b-a | V(b) - V(a)
a*b * V(a)*V(b) lim
a/b / V(a)/V(b) lim, fmax
b/a \ V(b)/V(a) lim, fmax
a==b ~~[note] if(V(a)==V(b), 1, 0) tripdt
a!=b !~[note] if(V(a)!=V(b), 1, 0) tripdt
atan2(a,b) atan2 atan2(sgn(a)*V(a), sgn(b)*V(b)) + dc a, b, dc, tripdv, tripdt
hypot(a,b) hypot hypot(V(a), V(b)) lim, fmax
max(a,b) max max(V(a), V(b)) lim
min(a,b) min min(V(a), V(b)) lim
mod(a,b) mod mod(V(a), V(b)) tripdv, tripdt
[note] Names with "=" won't be recognized by LTspice, and using "==", or "!=", will make the names visible in the list, but not usable. Thus, "~~" and "!~" were chosen, hopefully, as visually and functionally similar alternatives.

Subcircuits in mathfunc.sub:

mathfunc.sub holds what is meant to be all possible sum/difference combinations (except nulls) for a 5-input symbol:sum5

Unused inputs must be grounded!


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